Tuesday, August 25

Ms. Balcomb’s daily schedule can be found here: msbalcomb.com/schedule

Follow these directions to log into our Zoom class: http://msbalcomb.com/techhelp



Math Whole Class: We will be learning how to complete math assignments in Google classroom by completing a simple review sheet. Ms. Balcomb will review this sheet in our small groups:

Independent Work: Students will finish their Google Classroom review worksheet and then practice their math facts on XtraMath. They log in through Clever and it is listed on Ms. Balcomb’s page. Do your best because Ms. Balcomb will see your scores!

English Language Arts Whole Class: We will be learning to type Google Docs.

Independent work: Students will write a paragraph response to a question in Google Classroom.

Physical Education & Mindfulness  Watch Dance, music, theatre or visual art: Choose 1
Science & Social Studies We will take turns sharing our “All About Me” posters that we created yesterday.
Students who finish early may practice their skills in Typing.com or XtraMath.
** Ms Balcomb’s office hours are 2:00-2:30 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and Wednesdays from 2:30 – 3:15. Please email or send a message in Class Dojo for an appointment!**